
4:09 AM kaitech ✿ 0 Comments

     There is something wrong with our generation. There are a lot of sad eyes on happy faces. Sad souls on happy personalities. People are stuck in between having a strong mind and a fragile heart.

     To be honest, it's okay to feel sad sometimes, but never drown yourself to it. Everybody wants change, yet nobody starts to work for it. You'll never be happy if you keep on following sad tumblr blogs, saving sad poetries in your phone, trying to make others happy when you can't even do it yourself.

     No. It's not selfish to not to think of others first. No. It's not rude. No it's not inconsiderate. It's called self-love. You're putting investing too much for people you're not even sure if they're going to stay. The key to true happiness is loving yourself. You are beautiful. From the scars you've made, the tears you've cried, and the nights you almost died.

     ALWAYS think of happy thoughts. Be grateful about everything you achieved. Appreciate everything (even the smallest things). Say 'I Love You' to the people you love the most. In that way, you're already defeating the demons that tries to conquer your heart, mind, and soul.

May happiness be with you, always. ♥

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